Story Fiesta @ MagicHive
Day 1
Story line : The story was about how Binku rescues himself out of a locked room using a stick.
Primary objective: stimulate the children to think beyond the obvious use of a common object
Secondary objective : inspire children to think through solutions in the face of a problem situation
Circle time activity : Passing the parcel (passing a pouch full of common objects and state a few non obvious uses of each object)
Home work : Think of 5 different ways one can use a comb and a cloth-dryer clip.
Day 2
Story line : The story was about how Binku and his friends play with “what they have” when their toys get locked in a room.
Primary objective: stimulate the children to think several alternatives in the face of a problem situation.
Secondary objective : you can play with what is available ; toys are not needed always!
Circle time activity : The activity was weaved into the story. The story listeners became Binku’s friends and played different games with newspapers. They also made objects with newspapers.
Day 3
story “Tia loves Rangoli” at
Primary objective: stimulate the children into observing patterns in something as common as Rangoli ; solve problems in the face of constraints.
In the story, the protagonist is asked to draw a multi colour Rangoli with just 3 colours. Children came up with several solutions and suggestions.
Circle time activity: children made their own Rangoli patterns with material given to them.
A coloruful Rangeen Rangoli session!
Day 4
Story line : Binku and Tinku set up a lemonade stall at a carnival. The lemons get over. What should they do next? Constraint : they cannot move out of the stall.
With stimulation, children came up with the foll suggestions
1. Call uncle Dev to bring lemons
2. Call a lemonade vendor to deliver ready made lemonade
3. Call Tia’s mom for help
4. The stall is mobile ; so they can move around selling what is left ; and also buy more lemons.
5. There is a lemon tree behind the stall from which lemons can be plucked
6.Call a vegetable vendor who delivers lemons in a delivery truck.
7. They close the stall for the day and come back next day to sell lemonade.
Each ending and illustration was discussed. The idea was to demonstrate that there are several alternatives to view a situation.
Day 5
,the children became the story narrators. They solved story puzzles and narrated the stories. They also coined a title for each story (each child gave a different title to the same story! again a demonstration of different way of looking at the same thing).
Further on, they made their own game puzzles. It stated off with ” Creating a puzzle game is difficult” and ended with 10 different puzzle games!